
3 times 50. Part I

Maria Johanna´s story:
The flower ate the sunlight. The grashopper ate the flower. The toad ate the grasshopper. The snake ate the toad. The hawk ate the snake. The hawk broke his left wing and the rat ate him, The pig ate the rat. Maria didn´t eat the pig because she´s fucking vegetarian.
Richard´s story:
Little Richard was in love with a florist. He passed by her small shop daily, on his way to school.
Friday, Richard stole his mum´s rare orchid and ventured out. He would give it to the florist, for although she had many flowers in her shop, none were really hers.
Anastasia´s story:
While little Anastasia was preparing to leave for college, her mischievous cat ate her homework. There was nothing she could do about it.
Later in class...
"Where's your homework Anastaniqua?"- the teacher asked
Anastasia knew her teacher wouldn't believe the truth.

"I had other things to do"- she answered